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52 Still on Holidays :-)

  In a culture devoid of moral education, generations are growing up in a morally inarticulate, self-referential world. ( from a piece in The Atlantic) It's a subscription required article, but I found it in full here... After decades without much in the way of moral formation, America became a place where 74 million people looked at Donald Trump’s morality and saw presidential timber. Which makes me worry all the more about the world of Facebook, Tik Tok and X and all the rest. When are things good enough that we "put up with the bad/evil" or bad enough that the bad outweighs any excuses we might make for it's continued use?? On a lighter note... Apart from being worried, I also had to laugh the other day when Janny's (91 year old) Mum said "stuur (send) me een tikkie" for a printer we had bought her. It was a gift so she didn't have to pay - but a "tikkie" is the term used for easy payments via the bank. (I presum

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